
It’s currently 11:47 on Tuesday November 29th and my heart is so full. This was my first year hosting some of my family and friends here in Denver.

If you know me personally, you know I love hosting and serving. We rented an airbnb so we could all be together for the weekend. I placed a large target order for all our snack and drink request. Someone requested 24 strings cheese, pepperoni, salami, and 5 containers of lemonade, yes you read that right 5 containers! For privacy reason I won’t name the person just take a wild guess (Zack). Thank god for Target Drive Up. For the things I couldn’t get from target (the turkey and collards) I got from the grocery store.

Acts of service is one of my love languages so this weekend definitely made me happy. It was a lot of work, but I’d do it all over again in a heart beat. I just need a few weeks to recover.

We had our traditional menu just in smaller portions. Cooking a full Thanksgiving menu with only one stove took a lot of strategic planning and several different timers going. We only had two casualties all weekend, the stuffing and the bacon… someone forgot to set a timer… Cough mom.

Thanksgiving dinner was amazing. Friday we drove to Canon City to the Royal Gorg Train. Saturday afternoon we did a little window shopping, and later that night we checked out Denver’s night life (Sorry Steph and Zack I tried to warn you). In the club we heard everything from lil Boosie, to Miley Cyrus to Rudolph the red nose rain deer all in a span of 20 minutes, No kidding. All in all, we had fun and I can’t wait to do it again.

Thanksgiving Menu

  • Turkey,

  • Ham

  • Macaroni and Cheese,

  • Kale and smoked turkey

  • Seafood salad

  • Mashed potatoes and gravy

  • Sweet Potato Casserole

  • Sweet potato Pie

  • Yes we like sweet potatoes

  • Eggnog pound cake

  • Banana Pudding

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend with their loved ones.

xoxo Britt.

Houston Trip loading…

Brittany Samuels