Word of the Week

Word of the Week is where I feature something that I read or heard that really resonates with me.

This week’s Word Of The Week is featured by @Wetheurban on instagram.


I don’t think there’s anything more beautiful than having people in your life who make you feel emotionally safe. who welcome you into a judgement free zone. people who possess the maturity to calmly speak about any trouble or difficult topic that may arise. That’s special.

Babbyyyy! When I tell you this post spoke to me. Not having a sense of community has been my biggest struggle with living here in Denver.

I moved here April 6, 2021 not knowing one single person. Making the decision to leave my family and friends back home in Charleston and start a new life here was not easy. I’ve never lived more than 15 minutes away from my family so I knew the struggle was goin to be real. But honestly, the loneliness I felt at times seemed unbearable. My first year I spent countless flights to Charleston and Houston to try and fill that void. My career as full time nanny means I don’t have any coworkers, so it’s been hard to make friends.

I knew something had to give.

I prayed! I said Lord I WILL TRUST YOU and be obedient and stay here in Denver but I need your help with 2 things. 1. LORD, I NEED FREINDS.

I want to cook Sunday dinner. I want to go to brunch after church. I want to join a bible study. I want to join a bookclub. I want to have girls night. I want friends who I can be completely honest with when I need a good vent session about my dating life (it’s ghetto out here in these dating streets). I need good genuine friends.

Big G heard me loud and clear! I have made some of the most amazing and genuine connections here. Yes, I still have my friends back at home and I know they’re only a phone call away, but this right here is what i’ve been missing.

Now I just need him to come though with the second thing I asked for and Denver may just get four years out of me.

XOXO Britt.

Brittany Samuels