What I eat in a day.

One of the biggest struggles with weight loss is nutrition. You can work out 7 days a week but if your nutrition is not on point none of that will matter. Here is what I eat in a day. Just for reference I'm 5’5 162 pounds and i’m currently on week 8 of a 10 week ‘bulking’ program. Not really BULKING BULKING but I'm not currently eating in a deficit.

My main goal during these 10 weeks is to drop my body fat. So my workouts (90% strength training) and my macros/calories are set to aid in that.


Yes you can still have coffee and lose weight. I typically take my coffee black in the morning before the gym. Sometimes later in the day I’ll have a second cup of coffee. 20z (1/4 of a cup) of this oatmeal creamer is 100 calories.

*I’m currently ‘bulking’ so have a little more creamer than I typically would if I was cutting.


Breakfast is usually where I have most of my carbs especially on leg day. 1 egg, egg whites with ground turkey. Toast with pumpkin butter topped with cottage cheese. If you don’t like cottage cheese skip it and have extra egg whites. Want less carbs have one slice of toast instead of two.


Salmon Cauliflower Stir fry. This is SO good and flavorful. This cauliflower rice is from Trader joes and it’s hands down the best cauliflower rice i’ve ever had. It has peas corn onion and ginger. Its so good. This meal can be customized to fit your macro needs. if you need more protein add an egg or egg whites. if you need more calories/carbs add 1/4 cup of rice. Need less fat skip the avocado.


Salmon kale caesar salad. I love the chopped salad kits because everything is already measured out. They can be high in fat because of the dressing and the cheese so I usually only use a tablespoon of the cheese.

Protein ‘Ice Cream’

This protein ‘Ice cream’ is a great way to crave your sweet tooth and get in a decent amount of protein. I put it all in a blender and top with the granola.

Brittany Samuels