10 FAQ on losing 105 pounds

  1. Q: Did you really losing 105 pounds?

    A: Yes, I really did. My starting weight was 264 and right now I'm between 157-161.

  2. Q: How long did it take?

    A: 2.5 years. I started my weight loss/ Fitness journey in March of 2017.

  3. Q: Did you have surgery?

    A. Nope

  4. How did you do it?

    A: I just started. I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I just woke up one day and decided I had enough. I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror, but more importantly I didn’t like how I felt. I joined a gym committed to going to the gym for 40 days straight (this is definitely NOT necessary!)

  5. What did you eat?

    A. I started out low carb. Again I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew if I ate less and worked out I would lose weight.

  6. What were your Macros when you started?

    A. My what? Macros? Whats that? I had no idea what a macro was. I just followed a low carb diet and reduced my calories.

  7. What was your biggest mistake during your journey?

    A. I did too much cardio and not enough strength training.

  8. Any advice for someone who is starting out?

    A. Figure out your daily calorie needs, based on your age, gender, weight, height, and activity level. Someone who is 5’5 200 pounds and works out 5 days a week, is going to have a different calorie needs than someone who is 5’5 165 pounds and works out 2 days a week. It’s important to know what your calories needs are so that you’re not under (or over) eating.

  9. Did you have a trainer?

    A. Yes, after losing 80 pounds I hired Teddy Simmons (IG: MADDAWGMINDSET) as my personal trainer, something I wish I would have done earlier in my journey.

  10. Do you have loose skin? I need to lose weight but i’m afraid of having a lot of loose skin.

    A. Yes, but not a lot. Mostly on my stomach. When losing a large amount of weight you are expected to have some loose skin. BUT I will 100 percent take this loose skin over carrying around 100 extra pounds.

Brittany Samuels