Top 5 mistakes WHILE losing 100+ LBS

top 5 mistakes while losing 100+ LBS

  1. not strength training.

    If we’ve ever chatted about weight loss then this is no surprise to you. I will say this until i’m blue in the face. Ladies LIFT THE WEIGHTS. I know a big misconception is that lifting weight will have us looking ‘bulky and manly’. it’s a lie, its a, lie it’s a lie! If you’re eating in a Calorie deficit it’s impossible to ‘bulk up’ from lifting weights. (more on this another time)

  2. Too much cardio.

    This kind of goes hand in hand with number one. I did way too much cardio. I would go in the gym and literally do HOURS of cardio. Partly because I enjoyed it and partly bc I didn’t want to ‘bulk up’ from lifting weights. And its no secret an hour of cardio burns calories then an hour of strength training.

  3. Focusing too much on the scale.

    To say I was obsessed with the scale would be an understatement. I would get on the scale EVERY SINGLE MORNING. The scale is not the only way to measure weight loss, its a great way but not the only.

    Take measurements, try on old clothes and take pictures. I know the saying numbers don’t lie and well sometimes they don’t tell the whole truth.

    4. eating too few calories.

    I was not eating enough calories, but more importantly not eating enough protein. Protein is so important during the weightless journey to ensure we don’t lose to much muscle mass. Depending on our activity level we should have roughly 0.8- 1 gram of protein per body fat depending on our activity level. Some days I wouldn’t have 5o grams of protein. I know I know. When you know better you do better.

    5. NOT getting adequate REST.

    When I first started my journey I went to the gym for 40 days straight. Yes you read that right 40 days! Now of course some days were more intense then others but I exercised every day for 40 days. I don’t regret that but was able to see how much progress I made in such a short time but our body also needs rest. Some days I would only get 4 to 5 hours of sleep and still wake up at 4am to workout.

    We have to prioritize rest just as much as we prioritize exercising.

Even with all these mistakes I still managed to naturally lose 100+ pounds and keep it off. If you are currently on your weightless journey or thinking about startingI hope this was helpful.

xoxo Britt.

Brittany Samuels