What's cooking Wednesday!

Cooking is somewhat of a big deal in the Samuels household (most of the time). Spencer likes cooking more then I do.. This week we had a Cauil shrimp stir fry. It was delcious! It is my  low carb take on Shrimp Fried Rice. Yummy, Low Carb and filed with veggies. Good thing about this receipe is everything is optoinal if you don't like a certain ingredient take out or add more of something else. Listed below are the ingredients that I used.  

Frozen Carrots
Frozen Peas
Green Peppers
Red Peppers
Yellow Peppers
Riced Cauliflower
1 pound of Shrimp
5 Eggs  

First wash and season the shrimp with Old Bay Cajuan Seasonings and Garlic Seasonings.  Be sure the shimp is completley dry before seasoning it. Pat dry with a paper towel if necessary. Then place back in the fridge for later.

In a large pan cook the Sausage. When the sausage is almost done toss in the onions, peppers, carrots and peas. Cook until tender. Remove and place to the side. 

Cook the Cauliflower ‘rice’ (follow the directions on the bag) and place to the side. I usually just steam it in the microwave.

In the same pan cook the Shrimp carefully not to over cook. Cook approximately 2-3 minutes on each side.

Remove Shrimp and place in a separate dish .

In the same pan cook the eggs. When eggs are almost finished toss in the Bag of Riced Cauliflower and add liquid coconut aminos . Stir for about 3 minutes.

Toss in Veggies and Sausage and stir for a few minutes. 
Lastly add in the shrimp give everything a good stir and SERVE!

We added jalapeños and had a couple pieces of avocado on the side.  

This dish is so flavorful that you don’t even miss the rice!

Have you cooked with the cauliflower ‘rice’? if so what’s your favorite dish to make?

Brittany Samuels