This edition of ‘Throwback Thursday’ i’m throwing it back to vacation last year. December 2-9 Jess, Yoshika and I sailed the 7 seas! Well not really but we did have one hell of a vacation!

Our cruise sailed to Dominican Republic, Saint Thomas Virgin Islands, San Juan Puerto Rico and Grand Turk! Literally the best vacation i’ve had in a long time.

We had so much fun! This was my fourth cruise so I didn’t get seasick bc I was prepared but Let me be honest I did get a little home sick. I think it was about the 4 day. I got up early to go to the gym and on the way there I started tearing up (a lot) because I missed Spencer so much! I’m such a baby! hahaha Jess still doesn’t know about this #surprise lol

Our Cruise left from Miami and our first stop was Puerto Plata Dominican Republic. We had a Waterfall & zip Lining excursion! They both were so much fun! The one mile hike to the top the waterfall was not a walk in the park! Ok so imagine walking on the treadmill on an incline between 10-15 for about an hour, ok now imagine the treadmill being made out of ROCKS! haha! Hopefully I have painted a clear picture of our hike to the top of the waterfall. I remember stopping half way into the hike and saying whose idea was this? but then quickly remembering that it was me who found and booked us the excursion! haha

Once we got to the top we ALL agreed that it was well worth the hike! It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

We paid to have a ‘videographer’ follow us around and take our pictures since we couldn’t take our phones to the top of the waterfall… for obvious reasons. Unfortunately we never received all of the videos and the pictures! :(

7 days is long time to be on a cruise ship but we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We had BIG plans to party hard all week but were in bed by 10 pm most nights haha.

The 3 of us agreed we would definitely do a cruise again. In fact we are currently trying to find our next vacation destination.

Brittany Samuels